Last night was a beautiful night, it was New Beginnings for our ward and they had the theme as Top Secret Agents. They had Mission Impossible music playing and so many cute special affects. Then towards the end after they went through everything a Special Agent needs to do to earn her top award they presented Cambria and Stephanie Coulum with their medalians. It was such a special evening. My mom and dad came to support Cambria and thank goodness they were there, they called up the father's to come and put the medalian on the girls, so my dad stepped in for Bryan. Cambria spoke about her experience and then my dad shared a little thought with everyone. I love my dad and I am so proud that he is MY dad. It was such a special evening. Paula is so cute and is loving being involved in the Young Women Program she decided she wanted to work on her Young Woman Recognition Award and have it completed before she goes home to Brazil at the end of May. She is an inspiration for all of the other girls. I love the Young Woman Program and I have a great testimony about that inspired program.